
 Accelerate 2019/20

This online exhibition is a celebration of diversity, both in the young people whose work is shown and in their thoughts, ideas and curiosities. Congratulations to our Accelerate 2019/20 students!

Accelerate provides a platform for students from under-represented backgrounds to develop their thinking about architecture and the built environment. Workshops covering skills from sketching to urban masterplanning help to build their confidence, alongside mentoring sessions with partner architect practices across London. Now in its seventh year, Accelerate has grown and adapted to the changing nature of architectural education and the wider world. This year, the workshops and mentoring were devised around the theme of ‘Dichotomies’ which has brought about provocative conversations and some incredible collaborative work. There is confidence and bravery in the work on show, which is remarkable for students at this early stage in their creative journey.

This online exhibition will remain a permanent place, so take your time to view the work. All of the work on display has been collected during the recent ‘lockdown’ period. Each student has worked incredibly hard to push their ideas alongside their academic studies at school or college, and for that, they should all be commended!

We would like to thank all of our 2019/20 facilitators and contributors, especially our architect mentor practices and student assistants from The Bartlett.

Accelerate 2019/20 would not have been possible without our programme partners UCL and L&Q Foundation.

Find our more about Accelerate here. Find out how to support Accelerate here.


Lena Lali

Coloma Convent Girls' School, Croydon

Lena was mentored by AHMM

“During my experience with Accelerate, I learnt and developed many skills, visited new sites and was inspired by different people. I made architectural drawings, constructed models, and pursued a project on the theme of dichotomies. My mentoring sessions were a great way of exploring my ideas with architects in a workplace environment. I enjoyed looking at the dichotomies of geometric/organic. I learnt origami folding techniques for paper models, and casting using plaster. My project aimed to create an installation that is both geometric and organic that people can walk on. I enjoyed it all and gained valuable experience.”


Zaynab Alege

Royal Greenwich Trust School, Greenwich

Zaynab was mentored by Dow Jones Architects


Hunaiza Ilyas

Bishopshalt School, Hillingdon

Hunaiza was mentored by Lipton Plant Architects

“This year’s theme for Accelerate was dichotomies. I think it is a very different, unique and amazing topic to investigate
in relation to architecture. Throughout the course, we got the chance to explore a wide range of dichotomies; my favourite was that of indoor/outdoor, for which we visited the Aga Khan Centre. Accelerate also provided us with mentors from some of the London’s tops architecture firms. We also got a chance to do a project with our mentors, giving us tremendously valuable experience. For my project, I worked on a site at City Road Basin.”


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Emily Voang

St Michael’s Catholic College, Southwark

Emily was mentored by Sheppard Robson

“Participating in Accelerate was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I had the opportunity to experience unforgettable tours and workshops, learn valuable transferable skills and build strong friendships. Alongside this, we had supportive mentors who gave us challenging, but fun, architectural tasks to really allow us to grasp the real-life role of an architect. With regards to the theme ‘dichotomies’, I thought it was a very open yet focused theme as it allowed me to think creatively without barriers but also clearly directed me to the best path for the objectives we had in each workshop.”


Aretha Ahunanya

Seven Kings School, Redbridge

Aretha was mentored by AHMM

“Throughout Accelerate, the ‘dichotomy’ of geometric/organic particularly intrigued me. I was able to explore how different forms come together to shape an experience. Most notably, I saw this on the trip to Zaha Hadid’s ROCA Gallery, where I also created a paper response exploring form and shadow. These ‘sketch models’ taught me how to explore concepts roughly and three-dimensionally, before refining the idea. Learning how to map movement through ‘flaneur’ and ‘Noli’ diagrams also showed me how drawing can communicate information about how space is used.”

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Mariam Boota

Woodford County High School, Redbridge

Mariam was mentored by BDP

“During my mentoring sessions we got the chance to continue to explore the concept of mapping, this time around the Barbican Estate. During these sessions I learnt about the importance of space in architecture. Space is important to allow an individual to not feel confined nor to let them feel isolated by their surroundings. I believe the work I conducted around the idea of mapping movement was successful. Accelerate has helped me to further understand the job of an architect and what it entails. I hope to study architecture in the future.”


Malina Nawal Pervaj

Harris Westminster Sixth Form, Westminster

Malina was mentored by Grimshaw

“I found the contrasts of light/dark, geometric/organic and rural/urban the most interesting to explore. When looking at light/dark I began to think more about the shape of objects and building and how the shadows they create are changed over the course of the day. This included looking at geometric and organic shaped objects. One of our sessions allowed us to visit the Aga Khan Centre and walk around Coal Drops Yard to sketch our surroundings.


Salima Begum

St Paul’s Way Trust School, Tower Hamlets

Salima was mentored by Sheppard Robson

“During my time with Accelerate, I gained a broader understanding of the skills needed to be an architect. As part of our theme ‘dichotomies’ we explored light/dark, hard/soft and urban/rural. I particularly enjoyed light /dark as it has given me a better understanding of how different shapes that can be unexpectedly created from the impact of light. We experimented this theme by making models which show different shapes when light is added. With my mentors at Sheppard Robson I explored the notion of ‘deafening silence’ by experimenting with sound waves along my model. Overall, I have enjoyed Accelerate as it has given me the opportunity to enhance my creativity skills as well as my teamwork skills.”


Thaslima Begum

Langdon Park Community School, Tower Hamlets

Thaslima was mentored by Grimshaw

“The dichotomy I enjoyed exploring was light/dark. I created a model that made light filter through the model. I would say that what I liked most in the model was the shadows that the model created. However, the model couldn’t stand alone so I added another spherical model to help it balance. I enjoyed this because it taught me that models don’t need to stand on their own but can be used as a tool. One of the things I learnt that amazed me was that there are different ways of portraying movements. For example, thermal drawing and choosing colours to map people’s movements.”


Alex Awosanya

Graveney School, Wandsworth

Alex was mentored by WilkinsonEyre

“I had a great experience at Accelerate. Not only did I learn countless things about architecture, I also made good friends that share my passion and made the experience a lot better.”


 Sara Abbod

Upton Court Grammar School, Berkshire

Sara was mentored by Stanton Williams

“Exploring the geometric/organic dichotomy at the ROCA Gallery was one of my favourite sessions. Getting to experiment with paper folding techniques to create iterations in response to this dichotomy was something I enjoyed, as well as taking that one step further by working with photography, scale and collage with our model. Having the special access and careful explanations to each building was also something I enjoyed, as it brought that special meaning to every place we worked in. Working with Stanton Williams meant I was able to explore the dichotomy of solid/void, looking at the progressive construction of cores.“


Raiyaan Rizwan

Walthastow Academy, Waltham Forest

Raiyaan was mentored by Grimshaw

“My time with Accelerate was phenomenal. I learnt a lot about the different aspects of architecture and the multitudinous ways that it interact with everyday society. I particularly enjoyed workshops where there was heavy group work and discussion which made it seem as realistic as working as an architect. Working with other minds of the same calibre, the same goals and at times effectively the same ideas but in different unique formats. At times I believe there were points of unsuccessful attempts, but this led me and other people around me to think, adapt and improve our original ideas and refine them to better suit our goals. At my mentor sessions at Grimshaw, I was astounded by the depth of how much more knowledge there was to collate and how much more I could learn and gain, especially the experience from working close to architects.”


 Matthew Watts

Kensington Aldridge Academy, Kensington & Chelsea

Matthew was mentored by Dow Jones Architects

“My project is sited in a local park and the task was to design a pavilion that people could use. I decided to locate it in the middle of the green, close to the path to make it easily accessible for the public. I made it long and mainly glass so you could see through and not spoil the view for residents. It includes a cafe and seating area for public to use. With the project I explored the dichotomy of inside and outside and how they can interact with each other. I also learnt a lot about how to survey a site and what to look for.”


 Camelia Friptu

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Camelia was mentored by Grimshaw


Lamiya Kazi

Dartford Grammar School for Girls, Kent

Lamiya was mentored by Stride Treglown

Accelerate has really given me a great opportunity to explore and understand what the life  of an architect is all about, and what they do behind closed doors.  

One theme we explored in accelerate was dichotomies, and very session we explored a different dichotomy by doing a variety of activities. My favourite session was exploring the dichotomy of ‘rural vs urban.’ We all came together to make this massive tapestry type artwork where we drew/sketched all sorts of things related to the theme, creating something really beautiful, it was amazing!

As part of the program we were assigned architect mentors, mine was Stride Treglown. Our mentors gave us an area to construct a building for our clients. We learnt how to choose, assign and place our buildings depending on the surroundings. I learnt a lot of new things that I did not think to involve in my construction. Using mind maps, sketches and clay model, I was able to create my house for my client, reflecting the personality/requirements of the client and the surrounding.

Overall it was a great experience!


Zisan Agca

Stoke Newington School, Hackney

Zisan was mentored by Lipton Plant Architects

“Going into Accelerate, I didn’t know what to expect. However, I found every workshop useful and helpful in understanding more about architecture. I really enjoyed our workshop where we made a collaborative model of the UCL Quad using cardboard and created our own light reflecting models using different materials such as straws and cocktail sticks which we placed inside the model building. I found our mentor workshops with Lipton Plant especially useful because we completed different activities to expand our understanding of why they do the things they do as architects.”


Elvir Baliu

Ark Putney Academy, Wandsworth

Elvir was mentored by Orms


Victoria Boateng

St Angela’s Ursuline School, Newham

Victoria was mentored by Stride Treglown


Emily-Rose Manning

Dagenham Park School, Barking & Dagenham

Emily-Rose was mentored by Orms

“Attending Accelerate helped me to understand what exactly an architect does, which aided me to decide if architecture was the correct profession for me. My favourite dichotomy was light/dark (at the Aga Khan centre). In this workshop, I got to see exciting Muslim-inspired architecture, dichotomising on light and dark with shapes of shadows and light. The main project was to illustrate the five senses of a certain room and layer them together. During this activity I remember using my management and organisation skills, as my team members were a little disorganised; this led me to practice my leadership skills.”


Nadir Mohamed

Chadwell Heath Academy, Redbridge

Nadir was mentored by Squire & Partners


Artiola Bera

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Artiola was mentored by Stanton Williams

“At the start of Accelerate I wasn’t confident in my skills and knowledge of architecture. Throughout my journey, I’ve learnt so much about so many little things I hadn’t thought about. I’m glad I got the experience to join so many students on a journey to learn so many things. During the time with my mentors Siraaj and Ali at Stanton Williams has been really helpful giving me a better understanding of how architects structure themselves to do certain jobs. Whilst with my mentors I had a great learning experience. I was well impressed by all the models surrounding the office. I’ve really enjoyed this experience. It’s been wonderful working such amazing people. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”


Kron Muharemi

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Artiola was mentored by Squire & Partners

“I have experienced a lot of new and exciting things during my time with Accelerate, such as the casts and the still life drawings which I really enjoyed. My favourite part of Accelerate was meeting people my age with similar aspirations of a future in architecture as it is very settling knowing that you aren’t doing it alone and that there is a large and friendly community backing you in as many ways possible. I will never forget my time with Accelerate and although the time with them was cut short due to external circumstances, I am more than satisfied with the amount of new skills I’ve learned on this journey.”


 Isabella O’Conner

St. Michael’s Catholic College, Southwark

Isabella was mentored by Pollard Thomas Edwards


Shakira Ahmed

Bishopshalt School, Hillingdon

Shakira was mentored by Waugh Thistleton

“Accelerate has taught me many architectural skills like site mapping and model-making. My favourite dichotomy we explored was urban/rural which I also featured in my bigger project with Waugh Thistleton as it was very inspiring. I have learnt more about the abstracts of architecture when looking at different scenarios. I really enjoyed our trip to the ROCA Gallery as its interior was playful with concrete and had an aerodynamic feel to the space. Overall, my experience with Accelerate has provided me with skills that has greater inspired me to become more creative and follow my aspirations to become an architect.”


Roxana Rus

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Roxana was mentored by Waugh Thistleton

“I adored the casting/still-life drawing workshop because I learnt how to take the measurements of objects by using a pencil and also how to prepare the composition of plaster. I created drawings of fruits and vegetables on cubes and I experimented with the casting inspired by the paper sculpture. I succeeded to create a captivating drawing by understanding the shapes and with the use of the pencil techniques. I found the process of making textures really interesting and in contrast, I struggled to take the little pieces of cards  from the half dried sculpture.”


Gianna Federizo

St Michael’s Catholic College, Southwark

Gianna was mentored by AHMM

“I found exploring the dichotomy of indoor/outdoor the most interesting as we visited the Kings Cross area. Not only was I able to see a new place and experience it through a tour and sketching, I ended up considering this dichotomy when I worked with my mentor architects at AHMM. Alongside them, I planned a pavilion for a site we were given, which I found successful and fun to make. I was given the freedom to create whatever I wanted for this area and decided what I wanted the audience to experience through my work. Through both the workshops and working closely with these architects, I was able to try things I would have not done otherwise such as, discovering mapping techniques, model-making and experimenting with different mediums, like inks and Photoshop. Through this experience, my interest for design has grown as I was able to study and improve my skills and I am thankful to have been part of Accelerate.”


Jamal Mansaray

Graveney School, Wandsworth

Jamal was mentored by Stride Treglown

“My favourite workshop was ‘Experimenting with 3D Forms’ where we went to the ROCA Gallery and looked at the contrast between organic and geometric shapes. Making paper models of sites that explored this concept was really fun; I incorporated a very angular design for the building and I made the trees around it curly as opposed to their naturally rugged shape. I really enjoyed Accelerate as I was able to get hands-on with many architectural concepts. Even though I am looking to head down the automotive design path in the future, Accelerate has been really helpful.”


 Yeliz Ibrahim

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Yeliz was mentored by Pollard Thomas Edwards

Accelerate has been an amazing experience where I have learnt a massive amount and met new friends. It has helped me have a better understanding on which pathway I would like to go down and has developed my research in the architecture pathway and found out that there are a lot more career choices than what I thought would be involved. I have met new people that I have become friends with and they have made my time in accelerate a much better overall experience. The mentors have also helped in showing us an insight on what it is like being an architect and the sites they have been working on. I would like to thank my mentors and the Accelerate staff for having me because it has been a pleasure.


Khadija Begum

St. Paul’s Way Trust School, Tower Hamlets

Khadija was mentored by Sheppard Robson

“Attending Accelerate helped me to understand what exactly an architect does, which aided me to decide if architecture was the correct profession for me. The theme for each workshop was dichotomies, my favourite dichotomy was light/dark (at the Aga Khan centre). In this workshop, I got to see exciting Muslim-inspired architecture, dichotomising on light and dark with shapes of shadows and light. The main project was to illustrate the five senses of a certain room and layer them together. During this activity I remember using my management and organisation skills, as my team members were a little disorganised!”


Eneida Berisha

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Eneida was mentored by Waugh Thistleton

“During my experience with Accelerate, I had the  astonishing opportunity to experience and develop new skills such as teamwork, independence, problem solving and model-making. From my point of view, being creative is what worked well in my work: my idea was to combine art and architecture together to create something extraordinary that expressed my love for these two subjects. Accelerate changed my perspective on architecture: it taught me to observe details, shapes, textures and forms by drawing. I have learned to be more patient and precise while making my models: I realised how important and difficult it it to focus during the process of creating a prototype that reflects all the ideas that were planned.“


Vijay Keshwala

Bishopshalt School, Hillingdon

Vijay was mentored by WilkinsonEyre

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Ismail Dadew

Royal Greenwich Trust School, Greenwich

Ismail was mentored by BDP

“I enjoyed looking at dichotomies regarding nature versus modern buildings. I've learnt how to draw better perspective images and what the power of nature and modern buildings together can do together. My project at the BPD was to map the Barbican. I found it very successful when adding all layers of tracing paper together and making one significant map. I have really enjoyed checking out the Barbican first hand. I would create larger scale maps next and probably even on my own!”


Shromiya Kulendiran

Sir George Monoux School, Waltham Forest

Shromiya was mentored by Lipton Plant Architects


Jaqueline Tigis-Marcalla

St Michael’s Catholic College, Southwark

Jaqueline was mentored by WilkinsonEyre

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Alessandra Villanueva

St Michael’s Catholic College, Southwark

Alessandra was mentored by AHMM


 Thank you everyone involved in delivering Accelerate 2019/20:

Karly Allen, artist, Luke Olsen, The Bartlett, Emily Stone, The Bartlett, Maxine Howard, Kings Cross visitor centre, Salima Bhatia, Aga Khan Centre, Angel Tenorio, Heatherwick Studio, David Bromell, Roca London Gallery, Matthieu Mereau, WilkinsonEyre, Norton Asbury, artist, James Willis, artist, Antonio Berongoy, Hayhurst & Co., Matt Wilkinson, Amanda Levete Architects, Ed Robertson, John Robertson Architects, Rosie Seaman, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Katie Martindale‑Toole, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Evelina Lopes Rodrigues, AHMM, Natalia Boguslawska, Sheppard Robson

and a special thanks to our Bartlett student assistants: Ashley Law, Jahnina Quedding, Kai Mclaughlin, Maria Jones Delgado


 Thank your to our 2019/20 architect mentor practices for all their contributions:

Accelerate Partners

Accelerate 2019/20 was made possible thanks to the support of:


If your company is interested in supporting Accelerate for the next academic year as a sponsor and mentor, please visit our sponsorship page to find out more about opportunities to contribute to the programme.