Events and Tours

Accelerate Debates: Designing a Safer City

Accelerate Debates: Designing a Safer City

In a capital with more CCTV cameras than any other city in Europe, why do so many of us still feel unsafe outside? Does public space truly cater for the needs and experiences of the public equally? What do we actually mean by safety and how does this change depending on our identity? 

Join us for the next Accelerate Debate, where we will welcome a group of interdisciplinary practitioners working hard to improve public space for the safety of everyone in society.

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Accelerate Debates: Constructive Criticism

Accelerate Debates: Constructive Criticism

  • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In a profession that increasingly needs to value empathy, respect and collaboration, how can we build this into our training to become a core part of who we are as building designers? Criticism is central to the way we learn but where do we draw the line between it being constructive vs. destructive? Do we need a critical review of criticism, or do we just need thicker skin? 

Join us at the RIBA’s Festival of the Future, where we bring together a panel of experienced educators and progressive thinkers to collectively brainstorm different ways of constructively teaching and learning that could reshape the sector for years to come.

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