How to complete the expression of interest and application forms
Open House Festival 2025 will take place 13-21 September
If you have a building you would like to open, or an event you would like to run, during this year’s festival, this page will guide you through the application process. The process is different depending on whether or not your building or event has been part of the festival before.
If your open day or event has been in the festival in previous years, a listing for it will already exist, so you don’t need to complete an expression of interest.
Skip to the second part of this page for guidance on submitting an application form for 2025.
If you know that your open day or event has been part of the festival before but you weren’t responsible for it, please contact us at openhouse@open-city.org.uk.
We’ll give you access to the existing listing so that you can complete an application form for 2025.
If your open day or event has never been part of the festival, you’ll need to complete an expression of interest form before you complete an application form.
Read the first part of this page for guidance on completing the expression of interest.
If you’re still unsure about where you should begin, use our questionnaire to help you. Before beginning your application, please read the curatorial criteria for this year’s festival.
The final deadline for completed applications is 1 July.
Expression of interest form guidance
The following is a step-by-step guide to submitting your expression of interest.
Please submit the form by 1 June, to give us time to respond and you time to complete the application form by the 1 July deadline.
If you’re opening a building, the title should be the name of the building, if it has one, or the first line of the address. If you’re running an event, such as a walking tour or workshop, the title should refer to the activity itself.
This short text will appear at the top of your listing on the festival website. Use it to introduce your building or event. You will be able to edit it at a later date, using the application form.
If you’re opening a building, this should be that building’s address. If you’re running an event, this should be the venue where the event is taking place. If you’re running a tour, this should be the meeting point for your tour. Please skip questions that are not relevant to your event.
If you know the name of the architect responsible for your building, add that information here. Please first use the dropdown menu and the search box to see if that architect is already on our system, and select them from the list. If you can’t find them, please write their name in the box provided.
If you don’t know who designed your building, that’s fine. You can leave it blank.
If you have a personal or organisational website or social media account that you want to share with visitors, please add the details here. If you don’t have anything to add here, please leave it blank.
Please upload a photograph or other image here. If you’re opening a building, a photograph of the building itself is usually best. Please only submit images that you own or that are in the public domain. NB having permission to use an image yourself doesn’t usually mean you have permission to pass that image on to a third party to be used, which means we won’t have permission to use it on the festival website.
Images must be between 100×100 and 6000×6000 pixels in size and no larger than 8 MB.
Core information
All the information you enter in this section will appear as part of your listing on the Open House Festival website. Please be as accurate and provide as much information as you can.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Additional questions
The answers you give in this section are for office use only and will not appear online as part of your listing. You will be able to view your answers as part of your application form at a later date.
These questions are intended to help give the team an idea of what it is you have planned for the festival, so that we can offer feedback and advice at an early stage, where relevant.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Open House Festival open days and events should enable people to access spaces that would otherwise be closed to them, or help them to experience a space or place in a new way. Please select the option that best describes your open day or event.
You don’t need to be an architectural expert to open up a building as part of the festival, but we encourage you to think about what it is that you want to share with visitors. Please briefly tell us what you consider the most important aspect(s) of your listing. It might relate to the architecture and design of the building; the history, social or cultural significance of the site; or the people who work or live in, or care for the space.
Please indicate here if you’re planning to: run an event that centres the stories or histories of groups that have previously been under-represented in our programme (e.g. Global Majority Londoners; young people; disabled Londoners; working-class Londoners), open a home that’s rented, open a building that’s under threat of demolition, or run an event that celebrates sustainable forms of urbanism and architecture.
If you’re leading a walking tour or running another kind of event, please provide details of what you’ve got planned, such as the kinds of buildings and histories that participants will encounter on the route of the walk, or the kinds of activities they can expect to be engaged in as part of the event.
We recognise that opening your home or another building is already a big commitment and that not every contributor has the resources to put on additional activities. But if you’re in a position to do something extra, this is your opportunity to tell us about it. Please select the option that best describes your open day or event. If none apply, please leave it blank.
What happens next?
Once you’ve submitted your expression of interest, we’ll be in touch to let you know whether it has been approved or if the team has feedback to give. If you submit by the 1 June deadline, we’ll get back to you by 13 June.
Once your expression of interest has been approved, you will need to complete an application form.
Expression of interest form guidance
The following is a step-by-step guide to submitting your expression of interest.
Please submit the form by 1 June, to give us time to respond and you time to complete the application form by the 1 July deadline.
If you’re opening a building, the title should be the name of the building, if it has one, or the first line of the address. If you’re running an event, such as a walking tour or workshop, the title should refer to the activity itself.
This short text will appear at the top of your listing on the festival website. Use it to introduce your building or event. You will be able to edit it at a later date, using the application form.
If you’re opening a building, this should be that building’s address. If you’re running an event, this should be the venue where the event is taking place. If you’re running a tour, this should be the meeting point for your tour. Please skip questions that are not relevant to your event.
If you know the name of the architect responsible for your building, add that information here. Please first use the dropdown menu and the search box to see if that architect is already on our system, and select them from the list. If you can’t find them, please write their name in the box provided.
If you don’t know who designed your building, that’s fine. You can leave it blank.
If you have a personal or organisational website or social media account that you want to share with visitors, please add the details here. If you don’t have anything to add here, please leave it blank.
Please upload a photograph or other image here. If you’re opening a building, a photograph of the building itself is usually best. Please only submit images that you own or that are in the public domain. NB having permission to use an image yourself doesn’t usually mean you have permission to pass that image on to a third party to be used, which means we won’t have permission to use it on the festival website.
Images must be between 100×100 and 6000×6000 pixels in size and no larger than 8 MB.
Core information
All the information you enter in this section will appear as part of your listing on the Open House Festival website. Please be as accurate and provide as much information as you can.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Additional questions
The answers you give in this section are for office use only and will not appear online as part of your listing. You will be able to view your answers as part of your application form at a later date.
These questions are intended to help give the team an idea of what it is you have planned for the festival, so that we can offer feedback and advice at an early stage, where relevant.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Open House Festival open days and events should enable people to access spaces that would otherwise be closed to them, or help them to experience a space or place in a new way. Please select the option that best describes your open day or event.
You don’t need to be an architectural expert to open up a building as part of the festival, but we encourage you to think about what it is that you want to share with visitors. Please briefly tell us what you consider the most important aspect(s) of your listing. It might relate to the architecture and design of the building; the history, social or cultural significance of the site; or the people who work or live in, or care for the space.
Please indicate here if you’re planning to: run an event that centres the stories or histories of groups that have previously been under-represented in our programme (e.g. Global Majority Londoners; young people; disabled Londoners; working-class Londoners), open a home that’s rented, open a building that’s under threat of demolition, or run an event that celebrates sustainable forms of urbanism and architecture.
If you’re leading a walking tour or running another kind of event, please provide details of what you’ve got planned, such as the kinds of buildings and histories that participants will encounter on the route of the walk, or the kinds of activities they can expect to be engaged in as part of the event.
We recognise that opening your home or another building is already a big commitment and that not every contributor has the resources to put on additional activities. But if you’re in a position to do something extra, this is your opportunity to tell us about it. Please select the option that best describes your open day or event. If none apply, please leave it blank.
What happens next?
Once you’ve submitted your expression of interest, we’ll be in touch to let you know whether it has been approved or if the team has feedback to give. If you submit by the 1 June deadline, we’ll get back to you by 13 June.
Once your expression of interest has been approved, you will need to complete an application form.
Application form guidance
Access the application form by logging into your dashboard. All the open days or events that you’re responsible for will be visible. You will need to complete individual application forms for each one. Just click the ‘get started’ button under the listing you want to complete an application for.
We ask that all contributors, regardless of whether you’re new to the festival or you’ve taken part many times before, complete an application form. This is so that we know what you’ve got planned and that we have all the information we need to publish your open day or event on the Open House Festival website. As part of the application, you also have the opportunity to request volunteer support on the day.
If you’ve taken part as a contributor before, then the information you submitted last time will be available to view and edit, all except dates and timings of your open day or event, and any request for volunteer support.
If you’re responsible for an open day or event that you know has been part of the festival before and you’re not sure how to access the existing listing, please email openhouse@open-city.org.uk and the team will be able to help you.
Core information
This page will appear as part of your listing on the Open House Festival website. You’ll find that much of the information is already filled in, based on your previous application, if you’ve taken part before.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
This short text will appear at the top of your listing on the festival website. Use it to introduce your building or event. If the text is from previous years, make sure that it’s still relevant to your plans for this year’s festival.
Once entered you won’t be able to edit the information in this section. If you do need to make changes to these details, please email openhouse@open-city.org.uk and a member of the team will help you.
If you haven’t already, please use this section to tell us the name of the architect responsible for your building, if relevant. Where additional construction or refurbishment has taken place, you might need to add more than one architect.
If you don’t know who designed your building, that’s fine. You can leave it blank.
If you have a personal or organisational website or social media account that you want to share with visitors, please add the details here. But please make sure you include all information relevant to your open day or event in your application form, rather than simply adding it to your website or social media.
If you don’t have anything to add here, that’s fine.
We recommend having at least two high-quality images for your listing. This will help encourage visitors to come along to your open day or event. Consider the range of different images that you use. For example, if you’re opening a building, it’s a good idea to share a mixture of exterior and interior shots.
Please only submit images that you own or that are in the public domain. NB having permission to use an image yourself doesn’t usually mean you have permission to pass that image on to a third party to be used, which means we won’t have permission to use it on the festival website.
Images must be between 100×100 and 6000×6000 pixels in size and no larger than 8 MB.
Additional questions
The answers you give in this section are for office use only and will not appear online as part of your listing. If the information in this section is from previous years, make sure that it’s still relevant to your plans for this year’s festival.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Open House Festival open days and events should enable people to access spaces that they normally wouldn't be able to, or help them to experience a space or place in a new way. In this section, please select the option that best describes your open day or event.
You don’t need to be an architectural expert to open up a building as part of the festival, but we encourage you to think about what it is that you want to share with visitors. Please briefly tell us what you consider the most important aspect(s) of your listing. It might relate to the architecture and design of the building; the history, social or cultural significance of the site; or the people who work or live in, or care for the space.
Please indicate here if you’re planning to: run an event that centres the stories or histories of groups that are frequently marginalised (e.g. Black, Asian and minority ethnic Londoners; LGBTQ+ Londoners; working-class Londoners), open a home that’s rented, open a building that’s under threat of demolition, or run an event that celebrates sustainable forms of urbanism and architecture.
If you’re leading a walking tour or running another kind of event, please provide details of what you’ve got planned, such as the kinds of buildings and histories that participants will encounter on the route of the walk, or the kinds of activities they can expect to be engaged in as part of the event.
We recognise that opening your home or another building is already a big commitment and that not every contributor has the resources to put on additional activities. But if you’re in a position to do something extra, this is your opportunity to tell us about it. In this section, please select the option that best describes your open day or event. If none apply, please leave it blank.
As the person completing the application, you will be our primary point of contact for your open day or event. But there might be someone else you think it would be useful for us to have contact information for, such as a relative or colleague. Use this section to give us that person’s contact information. Please only supply someone else’s contact information if you have permission to do so.
Access, transport and facilities
The information you give here will be included as part of your listing and will be used by visitors to help them plan their visit. Please provide as full and as accurate information as possible.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
Please select any nearby tube or train stations, or useful bus routes. If there aren’t any tube or train stations near your location, you don’t need to select one. It’s better to leave the tube and train station boxes blank than to add a station that isn’t nearby.
Please use this box to give any extra details that you think visitors might find useful. For example, directions if you know your location can be difficult to find. If you’re running a walking tour where the end point is different from the start point, please include details here.
We understand that some locations will be limited in the facilities that they can provide and that is ok. The important thing here is to be accurate about the facilities that you are able to provide so that visitors can make informed decisions about where to go during the festival.
Please use this box to include any relevant information that cannot be captured in the checklist. For example, if you are opening a building with some spaces that have level access and others which do not, please provide details here. Or, for example, if you’ve specified in the checklist that there is accessible parking available, please provide details here.
Please use this box to provide additional information that might help prepare visitors. For example, if the environment is likely to be particularly stimulating - e.g. loud noises, bright lights, strong smells - please provide details here. Or, for example, if you’re running a walking tour and know that some seating will be available at specific points on the tour, please provide details here.
The information you provide here will make up the main body of your listing. It’s an opportunity to get potential visitors excited about your open day or event, as well as to share information that will help them to plan and prepare for their visit.
You can add, edit and delete different sections on this page. If you’ve taken part in previous years, please make sure the information that’s here is still accurate and relevant to your plans for this year.
When writing or editing this section, please be aware that large blocks of text might be off putting for some potential visitors. Once you’ve introduced your building or your event, you should focus on providing information that will help prepare people for their visit/participation in your event. For example, you might want to let them know about particular spaces within the building that will be open, whether they’ll be free to explore on their own or whether they’ll be led round by a guide etc. If you’re leading a walking tour, you could give a rough outline of the route. If you’re running an event with guest speakers, you should use this section to say who they are.
If you have essential information to share with visitors, such as a requirement to wear particular clothing that is suitable for visiting a building site, then we recommend including it here as a separate section with a suitable title, such as ‘Clothing and Footwear Requirement’.
You’re also welcome to include additional information about your building - such as the story behind its construction, its social or cultural significance, its historical and/or contemporary uses - but please bear in mind that concise text will make for easier reading.
Click on the + next to each subheading below for information on completing each section within this part of the form.
This year’s Open House Festival will run 13–21 September. You’re welcome to open or run your event at any time during the festival, including weekdays. If you’re planning weekend activities, we’re offering guidance on which weekend to choose, based on which borough you’re in.
Every festival listing has to include: one or more activities, a date, and start times and end times for each activity.
If, for example, you’re opening your home for a single day, that’s one activity. If you’re running the same walking tour on two different occasions, each one would be a separate activity.
This is the default type for Open House Festival activities. If you pick this option, you’re letting visitors know that they’re free to arrive at any point between the start and end times you’ve selected. It’s important that as many buildings as possible are open on a drop-in basis, because this helps to open up participation in the festival to as wide an audience as possible. The drop-in option is suitable for most open days and we encourage everyone opening a building to use it if they can.
NB - drop-ins shouldn’t be used to mean ‘first-come-first-served’. If your activity has a definite maximum capacity, then the drop-in option won’t be suitable. Visitors shouldn’t expect to be turned away from a drop-in activity, although they might expect to have to queue when visiting a particularly popular building.
If you pick this option, visitors will need to book a free ticket for the time slot that you’ve specified. This option should be used for activities with definite start and end times and/or a maximum visitor capacity, such as walking tours or a guided tour of a building. Because Open House Festival activities are free, we often find that up to 50% of visitors who book a place on a ticketed activity don’t show up on the day. You might want to consider offering more places than you can technically accommodate, to account for no-shows.
Both drop-in and ticketed
You might find it makes sense to use a combination of drop-in and ticketed activities for your listing. For example, if you’re holding an open day where visitors are free to show themselves around the building but you’re also running a guided tour at a specific point during the day, you might choose to make the former a drop-in activity and the latter a ticketed one.
Using the Open House Festival booking system
You will be able to access names and contact details for everyone who’s booked to attend your activities once bookings are live via your dashboard. Please do not use third party booking systems such as Eventbrite; they will not be accepted.
All Open House Festival activities must be free to attend. The festival’s mission is to give Londoners access to spaces that wouldn’t ordinarily be open to them, or to help visitors experience a space or place in a new way. Consequently, we will also not accept activities that are free to attend but that are of a primarily commercial nature, for example where a contributor is using a tour primarily to advertise a space that is for sale or to let.
Making changes to your activities
If you decide you need to convert a drop-in activity to a ticketed activity or vice versa, you can do this before the full festival programme is launched on 20 August. Once the programme has been launched, you’ll need to cancel the activity, notify anyone who’s already booked, and create a new activity, if you want to change the activity type.
Before completing this page of the application form, please read this guide to planning and running your open day or event, as it contains crucial information about how volunteering works.
Please use this page of the form to enter the number of stewards and/or guides that you would like to help with your open day or event. You will need to make separate requests for each date that you’re running activities on.
When requesting volunteers, you don’t need to divide the time up into different shifts; our system will do that for you. For example, if you’re opening for a whole day and have one volunteer’s worth of tasks you want doing, please only request one volunteer. Our system will then split that into two or more separate shifts for different volunteers to cover the whole day.
We will send all contributors a pack of volunteer stickers that volunteers can wear to help distinguish them on the day. Please email volunteers@open-city.org.uk if you are requesting more than twenty volunteers, so that we can send you additional stickers.
Making changes to your application
You might find you need to make changes to the application form after you’ve submitted it and/or after it’s been approved by the festival team. When making changes, you do not need to resubmit the entire form, just make sure you save that particular page and your edits will be applied.
Any further questions, please contact openhouse@open-city.org.uk or sign up to attend an online surgery, where you can speak to a member of the Open House Festival team.