Accelerate 2020-21

This year, Accelerate looked very different to previous years. For the first time ever, we had to collaborate digitally, and this year’s cohort of sixth form students completed most of their work from home. Students investigated their bedrooms, local landscapes and what a gate might be for their local borough, all through the lens of this year’s theme ‘fragments and the city’.

This digital exhibition only shows a fraction of the work produced by students this year, and follows an exhibition at the Brunel Museum on which took place in August 2021. Together, the students celebrated their work with their parents, mentors and friends of Open City.

We would like to thank all of our 2020-21 guests and contributors, especially our architect mentor practices and student assistants.

Accelerate 2020/21 would not have been possible without our programme partners and sponsors.

Find our more about Accelerate here. Find out how to support Accelerate here.



Federica Pescini

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

Federica was mentored by Pollard Thomas Edwards

“Being part of the fulfilling project that is Accelerate has taught me a lot about myself as much as the surrounding environment. I have discovered that I am drawn to more classical architecture and the past, for example when we walked past the London Wall on our first visit at the Barbican I was completely in awe of the history behind it.

It has been incredibly fascinating to discover London from angles I had not previously explored. We were encouraged to analyse the surrounding spaces through a different set of perspectives by viewing them through the lenses of improvement and interventions.

I believe this way of constantly assessing how things could be improved will stick with me for my entire life, so thank you to Open City and the amazing Accelerate mentors for giving us this opportunity!”

Samira Elbahja

St Paul’s Way Trust

Samira was mentored by BDP

“Accelerate was one of the best opportunities I have ever signed up for. I initially heard about the programme from my teacher, at the time I was remotely interested in pursuing a career in architecture. However, after attending the programme, I now know that architecture is my preferred field.

Architecture is more than building buildings, but it’s creating communities. Accelerate also fostered some of the most creative and talented people I have ever met, and as a result I have definitely made friends for life. I would 100% do it all over again!”


Özlem Yeter

Sir George Monoux College

Özlem was mentored by BDP

“I am Özlem Yeter, a year 13 student, currently studying Btech Art & Design. When I leave college I would like to study architecture and pursue a career as an architect in the future while developing and changing people’s lives for the better. I would like to study architecture as this is something I imagined for quite a long time since knowing what architecture was. When I found out about the Accelerate course I knew I wanted to join as I wanted to develop my knowledge of architecture as well as my digital and practical skills, and I can definitely say it has boosted my confidence in working together with new people.”


Delilah Jamal

St Paul’s Way Trust

Delilah was mentored by We Made That

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Sara Escalona

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

Sara was mentored by Archer & Braun and Jestico + Whiles

“I would like to be a part of the design and construction industry in the future, working as either an architect or a civil engineer, thus I applied to Accelerate to deepen my understanding of the process of applying and to know more about the different routes I can take after studying it at university.

The concept of fragments and the city enabled me to explore the importance of the relationship between the movement of people with the built environment.

Accelerate has expanded my horizons in terms of learning about abstract scales and proportions in designing 3D structures, making models and the significance of sustainability in the longevity of buildings.

Having been to two different architect mentor practices with different objectives in their architectural ambitions - where one focused on small scale extensions and analysing the surrounding context of the site in major detail and another made large-scale projects such as educational campuses - I found myself leaning towards converging nature within everyday buildings; demonstrated in integrating green spaces and natural bodies of water in buildings. I have learnt the importance of understanding the surrounding context of a site first: analysing where the influx of people come from to the site and where transport links are, in order to make it more easily accessible for all.”

Joshua Celada

Sacred Heart Catholic


Joshua was mentored by Maccreanor Lavington

“Joining the Accelerate programme has been a wonderful and amazing opportunity to get a grasp of. It has helped me gain an insightful understanding within the field of architecture. Attending a series of online sessions exploring and mapping sites within the River Thames has helped me shift my perception in architecture.

Architecture isn’t purely focused on buildings but revolves around everything which we can interact with. Reflecting upon the theme “Fragments”, I was able to incorporate everyday objects together and turn them into structural collages, which was a very enjoyable experience. It has helped me a lot with my creativity and understanding the boundaries of composition.”


Olivia Morgan Joy

LASWAP Sixth Form

Olivia was mentored by Civic Engineers

“I applied to Accelerate to hone my skills and learn how to combine my artistic skills with design and architecture. At first I thought that by trying to make things look nice and appealing, I would be missing the design side of things, however I learned that conveying a feeling is a massive part of architecture and design. Through the workshops I learned that using different mediums will show different sides of the same thing, whether it be sculpted, sketched or photographed. My board is an insight of my home, my bedroom and my local area throughout the winter Lockdown.”


Anne-Elizabeth Sowah

St Saviour’s & St Olave’s

Anne-Elizabeth was mentored by Whittaker Parsons

“The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. I took part in Accelerate because I wanted to get a better understanding into the world of architecture, because I plan on studying architecture this September at university. Accelerate has helped me understand that my opinion on what gets built in my community, as a young person, is just as important as someone older than me. My project ‘Games 2 Help Us Talk’ is about getting young people talking with professionals. Some young people find conventional therapy difficult because it’s just them and a therapist in a box-like room. ‘Games 2 Help Us Talk’ gives young people a chance to participate in both physical and brain game activities during their therapy session. Each activity is a room fitted to its function and works on a one-way system, which allows for anonymity, because you can’t come out the same way you go in.”

Hani Ali

Mossbourne Community Academy

Hani was mentored by Stanton Williams

“I applied to Accelerate as I believed it was a great opportunity for me to develop the necessary architectural skills needed before I begin university; it has enabled me to develop the foundation for my architecture education. I have gained so much from taking part in this course. For instance, I have not only experimented with a variety of different media but also visited lots of sites and done countless sketches. I also gained a lot of confidence in my abilities and this programme has made me extremely excited for university! During my mentoring, I was able to ask my fantastic mentors many questions which I would not have gotten the answer to otherwise. I was taught a valuable lesson in which I learnt about the potential opportunities that might not come to mind straight away when one thinks of architecture; it has made me more open minded and inspired.”


Aderito Tran

Walworth Academy Sixth Form

Aderito was mentored by BDP

Sanel Ahmet

City of London Academy

Sanel was mentored by Stanton Williams

“My artistic flair for architectural design ignited when I first heard about Accelerate in 2017 and all the course was offering. During my experience with Accelerate, most specifically at the monumental Brunel Museum workshop I realised the importance of history, which is embedded into our everyday living, this can even be seen through the underground stations. My time at Accelerate has heavily broadened my knowledge on different types of styles of drawings such as elevations, sections and plans.

Taking part in this opportunity has equipped me with the appropriate problem-solving skills which are extremely useful for modern issues architects will face in our ever-changing environment. I am currently finding Accelerate very insightful in terms of exploring the dynamism of architecture and the underlying secrets of the architectural oasis. By the end of the course I’m hoping to grasp a better understanding of the importance of architectural design and the process in which London’s symbolic infrastructures have been created.”

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 Jayshree Senthilkumar

Bishopshalt School

Jayshree was mentored by Stanton Williams

“When I started Accelerate, I had a faint idea of what architecture was and thought that it was just designing buildings. Whilst I still think architecture is the design process of buildings, I now have come to realise all the work behind this due to all the skills workshops I took part in and the mentoring opportunity I had.

Whilst mentoring with Stanton Williams I had the chance to design an intervention and create a model of it. The design process includes the exploration of a theme, the history of the place, the structural engineering side to the building, and the safety and practicality of the building must also be considered. Realising and experiencing all this made me more fond of the idea of becoming an architect in the future.”

Hanifah Malik

St Paul’s Way Trust

Hanifah was mentored by AHMM

“I applied to Accelerate because I had little to no knowledge about the architectural field however, I was still intrigued by the built environment. Therefore I joined the course along with my friends to be able to experience and understand what architecture entails. Throughout this course I have gained a deeper understanding about the different pathways within architecture and have been able to explore these different pathways and broaden my skill set. During the skill development workshops and my mentoring sessions with the firm, AHMM, I have gained a better understanding of the process behind projects being built and what is required in order to provide a detailed and informative plan. Accelerate has given me an opportunity to plan for my own future.”

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Adam Hamuth

Oaks Park High School

Adam was mentored by Jamie Fobert Architects

“My project included proposing an idea for redeveloping the Boundary Estate in Shoreditch. The Boundary Estate was the first council house estate in London consisting of a bandstand roundabout connecting seven roads and its five-storey flats. The bandstand and roundabout road has been made pedestrian only, reducing pollution and increasing safety. A quarter section leading upto a primary school remains driveable for ease of use. My redevelopment idea follows the concept of helping the environment and being sustainable. The types of energy that we use and fossil fuels we release into the atmosphere depict how we will live in the future. Driving electric vehicles keeps air in the city clean and integrating charging bays into the side of the roundabout will make charging more accessible.”

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Adrian Porteros Rubio

Harris Boys Academy East Dulwich

Adrian was mentored by Civic Engineers

“As an aspiring engineer, through the course of Accelerate, I have significantly reconsidered my future career leaning towards an architecture pathway. Observing the implementation and combination of engineering and architecture opened my eyes, seeing myself innovating in the future. The workshops demonstrated how fragments of a city came together to become this infrastructure but also seeing how far architecture pushes the limits of engineering inspires me.”

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Hagi Sivathason


Hagi was mentored by Jamie Fobert Architects

“Where do I see myself in 15 years? The vision began as an architect and through research, hands on projects, and exploring. I see myself as an architectural designer working on big urban residential/mixed-use developments. My strengths lie in maths and physics academically (I find these therapeutic at times) my passion lies in art, and bang there’s architecture for me. I am heavily invested in the sustainability side of it. Blurring the borders between man, nature, and the built environment. Through the Accelerate workshops I have developed my skills, which were used in the mentoring sessions at Jamie Fobert Architects. The aim was to redesign the bandstand at the Boundary Estate using fragments from the local site. Using timber arches of different scales, a focal point was formed where locals come together and get involved in developing the bandstand further through self-planting opportunities. It provides seating spaces and a central sheltered space for community activities to take place.”

Gemma Rivas

Ark Putney Academy

Gemma was mentored by Archer + Braun

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Sania Alam

Ark Globe Academy

Sania was mentored by Whittaker Parsons

“I have learnt a lot in my Accelerate journey. From learning things about the smallest of fragments to designing my own building on a site in Bethnal Green. It was really nice working with Whittaker Parsons where we got the brief and had the chance to design our own building on a site where it facilitates our beliefs. My project was called ‘Project Desi’ which helps children from the ages of 11-16 to establish their South Asian descent which was reinforced by the type of activity and area. I began my journey thinking architecture was merely about designing buildings but I soon realised that is so much more and my aspiration to become an architect is now set in stone.”

Caitlin Mitchell

City of London Academy

Caitlin was mentored by Maccreanor Lavington


Saad Ali

Sir George Monoux College

Saad was mentored by AHMM

“I applied to Accelerate to gain more of an understanding of architecture. I have gained knowledge of the importance of meaning within a building and how it acts as a mouthpiece in any area. In my mentoring sessions I have been working with several concepts hence creating my own ideas in order to create a new staircase concept for the public that matches the area’s pastiche, so understanding an area where a building is placed is important as it makes an impact to people’s lives. Due to Covid, there have not been many real-life workshops but the sessions have been very engaging online.”

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Sobika Prabakaran

Bishopshalt School

Sobika was mentored by We Made That

Adriana Porteros Rubio

Harris Girls Academy East Dulwich

Adriana was mentored by Jamie Fobert Architects

“When I initially applied for Accelerate, my first thought was I was going to be doing workshops that just mainly required my artistic skills. However, Accelerate helped me build my confidence with my mistakes and also create a better understanding of different skills that I can potentially use in other places. My 18 year-old self, has really appreciated the experience I have been able to gain and the useful insight I was able to achieve into a possible architecture career whilst working with Jamie Fobert Architects as part of my Accelerate experience. My work overall has portrayed my ups and downs through the workshops, from quick collages using images to building shoes out of cardboard.”


Elie Nguessen

Sacred Heart Catholic School

Elie was mentored by Jestico + Whiles

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Elvin Aliu

LASWAP Sixth Form

Elvin was mentored by Civic Engineers


Thank you everyone involved in delivering Accelerate 2020-21:

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Architect Mentors

AHMM Nic Crawley, Evelina Rodrigues, Tahmineh Hooshyar-Emami, Claire Pollock

Archer and Braun Sarah Braun, Stuart Archer

BDP Ranran Ju, Maggie Aljohmani, Colum O’Connor, Martyna Dobosz

Civic Engineers Katrina Davis, Dominique Pitman, Rhys Williams, Heba Tabidi, Finlay Gray, James Bloomfield, Claire Young

Jamie Fobert Architects Jamie Fobert, Thomas Longley, Josh Murphy, Morgan Williams Parnell, Benna Schellhorn

Jestico + Whiles Charlotte Keime, Adriana Keast

Maccreanor Lavington Irene Frassoldati, Emma Rutherford, Karen Henderson

Pollard Thomas Edwards Tim Metcalf, Katie Martindale-Toole, Rosie Seaman, Jacob Thompson, Emma Bennett

Stanton Williams Siraaj Mitha, Ali Abbas, Jane Kissane, Phil Wells

We Made That Oliver Goodhall, Holly Lewis, Liam Morrisey, Emily Temperton

Whittaker Parsons Matt Whittaker, Valeria Di Carlo

Accelerate Build Challenge March 2021 © Luke O'Donovan (web) (22 of 73).jpg

Workshop Guests

Freya Bolton, Karolina Kielb, Rose Miller, Gollifer Langston Architects, Yang Yang Chen, Niall McLaughlin Architects, Theresa Passi, Adara Wicaksono, Jestico + Whiles, Ben Marston, Jestico + Whiles, Athina Stylianidi, Jestico + Whiles, Tom Waddicor, Maccreanor Lavington, Jordan Whitewood-Neal, Fraser Leach-Smith, Gort Scott, Sarah Cook, Gort Scott, Carol Costello, Cullinan Studio, James Fray, Cullinan Studio, Patrick Massey, CZWG, Pooja Agrawal, Public Practice, Laura Mark, Walmer Yard, Michelle Wang, Hoare Lea

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Student Mentors

Aretha Ahunanya, Nana Boffah, Amjad Butt, Libby Sturgeon

Accelerate Team

Head of Learning Sophie Draper, Stephanie Tyler (maternity cover)

Accelerate Course Tutors Sahiba Chadha, Marcela Escobar, Elliot Nash

Photographer Luke O’Donovan


Accelerate Partners

Accelerate 2020-21 was made possible thanks to the support of:


If your company is interested in supporting Accelerate for the next academic year as a sponsor and mentor, please visit our sponsorship page to find out more about opportunities to contribute to the programme.