Architecture in Schools 2021 Evaluation This form is to be completed by built environment professionals who have participated in the programme. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Company * Your participation We would like to share and celebrate the news of your generous support of this project to a wider audience, so please answer the following questions. Team Size * How many people in your practice have been involved in the project? Hours * How many hours your practice has given to creating resources, leading school workshops and visits? Highlights Could you share the highlights of your experience or workshop techniques in a very brief paragraph? Personal Development * Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Our team feel more confident in engaging children and young people in conversations about the built environment than before the programme. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree We would recommend the programme to other built environment professionals. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Participating in programmes like the Open City schools workshops helps built environment professionals to be better at their jobs and more connected to communities. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree CPD Your CPD - please use this space to reflect on what you have gained from your participation. Feel free to add in as many more ideas as you want. For future projects We have had a fantastic response from teachers and students in schools across London and are looking to expand the Open City Education offer. Please could you consider the following questions. Future participation Would you or your practice like to participate in this primary schools initiative again? Yes No Special educational needs Would you be interested in working with primary students with special educational needs and disabilities? Yes No Secondary Would you be interested in working with secondary school groups? Yes No Accelerate Would you be interested in becoming an Accelerate mentor? Yes No Further training Would you be interested in accessing more training on youth engagement? Yes No Mailing list Join the Open City mailing list Thank you!