Citymaking Sessions


Come to the Citymaking Sessions – a unique one-day convention for everyone interested in how cities are made produced by Open City with Arup.


From how Argent is using novelists and short stories to shape its Brent Cross South masterplan to the impact of the GLA’s crowdfunding programme on public participation, ‘co-creation and play’ as a design tool and how UN studios and ORMS is using big data in urban design, the Citymaking Sessions, a daylong convention for professionals and the public alike, presents new perspectives on citymaking in London and further afield.


The Citymaking Sessions is a new programme of events devised by Open City showcasing new approaches in architecture, planning and urban design.


The first Citymaking Sessions, in partnership with Arup, takes place on June 27, in Peckham multi-storey car park and includes the keynote Thornton Lecture, by Julia Barfield, addressing ‘The open city and climate change’.


Throughout the day, architects, industry professionals, academics, authors and cultural commentators will craft discussion around contemporary issues and fresh citymaking perspectives. They will be asking:


How can we make cities more equitable? How do we involve residents in shaping their neighbourhoods – the places where they live, work and play? And what is it about the ‘social infrastructure’ of cities that enables us to live together and support each other?


Our partner Arup, as well as leading an expert panel on engaging the public in city issues, has created an interactive data-mining installation of 25 ‘wired’ cones, each asking urban-design related questions while designers HATO, developers Quintain and the GLA as well as architects Roz Barr and Bureau de Change will also showcase work of their own in the concrete-rich ‘gallery’ environment of Peckham Car Park. There will also be readings – by Will Wiles – tours of Peckham’s townscape and the artwork commissioned for Bold Tendencies 2019 as well as sessions around diversity in architectural criticism and designing with the five senses.


The first Citymaking Sessions culminates with our keynote, the Thornton Lecture and this year, Julia Barfield, architect of the London Eye, Brighton’s I-360 and Cambridge’s new mosque, will address ‘climate change and London’.


We look forward to welcoming you!


Fiction as a citymaking tool


Open House London 2019 Theme: Social