My City Too in more detail


Ask young people what they think about television or how they would change how their school works, and they will come up with lots of ideas. Yet while we are surrounded by the built environment, we spend little time developing a common language to articulate our views about it. As a result of this My City Too particpants created a Manifesto which they presented to the Mayor's office in 2016.

 The Manifesto:

We are the future of London. But without the chance to influence opinion, we are excluded from debates and decisions about the future of our city. We are My City
 Too Ambassadors, aged 12-19, who have been working on ideas tomake the whole of London better or everyone. This is our manifesto.

1. Let us have our say and young people will be fully involved in planning, designing and decision- making in their city - We can’t vote – yet – but it is our city too! We can help improve
places and spaces and we’ll use and
respect them more if we’ve been asked.

2. We want every inch of the capital to be used and not left derelict - Even if unused spaces can’t be redeveloped immediately, we’ll help you find new uses for them; when left derelict they are dangerous and make our area look and feel abandoned

3. We need sheltered places to sit and to meet people that are better designed and well looked after-Quality design and materials that are well looked after tell our communities that we are worth investing in. 

4. We need broader pavements and car-free streets- Pedestrian areas need to be planned and designed to be safer for everyone.   

5. We want lively streets with better and more creative lighting- Busy, well-lit areas will help us and everyone else feel safe on our streets. 

 6. We want every generation to have their own corner
in public spaces, acknowledging their needs and making them feel welcome- Separating activity zones for small children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens through soft zoning (floor markings, tree fences, etc) will ensure everyone feels happy about sharing the same public space

 7. We want play and performance areas for young people that are at the heart of shopping centres, main streets and parks- Design places where we can meet each other and be seen doing something worthwhile while feeling safe

 8. We want playful signs, bright colour schemes and changing public art- Give our local areas a stronger identity and make them places that we are proud of

9. We want trees, pools and fountains everywhere - Greenery and water features have a calming effect and make places feel more welcoming

 10. We want everyone to be able to move around London- Provide ramps and lifts in all public spaces so everyone can be part of the capital


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Voices From The Industry - Nicholas Hare Architects


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