Open City is looking for two young trustees. Apply now
Some of the City Curators who worked on the 2023 Open House Festival visit 10 Downing Street.
UPDATE: candidate interviews will take place in the afternoon on Tuesday 12 March at Tonkin Liu, 5 Wilmington Sq, WC1X 0ES.
The education charity Open City, which runs the Open House Festival and an extensive programme of year-round events, is looking for two trustees aged 18 to 30.
A huge proportion of Open City’s work is dedicated to supporting young people throughout their education and early careers to develop the skills, confidence and connections to embark on creative roles in city-making and effect change.
Given this mission, the Open City board have committed to ensuring the voice and interests of a younger generation are better represented at the heart of the charity’s strategic decision making body by appointing two new members.
Open City has therefore opened applications for two new places on its board of trustees which are open to candidates aged between 18 and 30. Information about what is involved in becoming a trustee and the application process is below.
Duties of an Open City trustee
Open City trustees work closely with our staff offering strategic support and advice throughout the year, supporting fundraising and programming to ensure that Open City is sustainable in its operations and pioneering in its mission. The trustees are legally responsible for the charity’s work and the official employers of all staff in the organisation.
Key Responsibilities of Open City trustees include:
Attending quarterly trustees meetings. Open City runs two digital meetings and two in-person meetings a year. In-person meetings are held in London at the charity’s offices in Greenwich.
Supporting the chief executive and staff team with strategic issues facing the charity throughout the year.
Attending a number of Open City events throughout the year including the Open House Festival.
Taking an active role in ensuring the sustainability of the charity by supporting fundraising efforts.
Participating in one of the Open City trustee working groups e.g. Fundraising Working Group, Ethics Working Group, Business Planning Working Group.
Championing the organisation and its programmes across your networks.
Important documents
Young trustees should be aged between 18 and 30 at the date of the application deadline.
They must have a link to Open City’s work, either as a past participant on one of its education programmes, as a volunteer on the Open House Festival, a dedicated listener to the charity’s podcast or another clear link.
Priority will be given to applicants who meet one or more of Open City’s widening access criteria which are listed below:
Applicant was eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point during their secondary school years.
Applicant lives in social housing.
Applicant is in care or has been in care at any point during their childhood.
Applicant is first generation of their family to go to University.
Applicant qualified for English as an Additional Language (EAL).
Applicant attended a secondary school where 30% or more of students were eligible for FSM.
Applications Selection Process
Applications are open via the online application form until Monday February 12 at 8pm. Candidates are asked to submit a short piece of writing of no more than 400 words introducing themselves, explaining their connection to Open City and why they are interested in becoming a trustee, and to attach a CV. Candidate interviews will take place in the afternoon on Tuesday 12 March at Tonkin Liu, 5 Wilmington Sq, WC1X 0ES.
Following written applications, a selection committee comprising at least two current trustees will invite a shortlist of no more than five candidates to interviews. At least one question in the interview shall focus on how the applicants propose to ensure they have a good understanding of the opinions and aspirations of other young people in architecture and wider built environment industry.
Once the final selection has been made, the committee chair shall speak with the interviewed candidates to break the news of whether they have been selected and invite the chosen two applicants to the next Open City board meeting. A formal vote to appoint the two young trustees will be held at the subsequent board meeting after which they will be inducted into the charity and added to the Charity Commission website and Companies House.
Each new young board member of Open City trustee board will be assigned a buddy – a more experienced trustee who will be responsible for checking in with them before and after each board meeting and occasionally meeting up with them between meetings. Buddies will call their young trustee before every board meeting to check they have understood the papers, give them the opportunity to ask questions, and ensure they feel prepared and confident. They will also call their young trustee after each board meeting to debrief and give constructive encouragement.
Young trustees are appointed for a term of two years.
Payment and expenses
UK charities are not allowed to pay trustees however Open City can cover expenses such as travel, accommodation and childcare costs. Open City is able to pay trustees when they deliver services for the charity outside their role as trustees such as leading walking tours, creating social media content or giving talks.