Open City wins social media award and launches open call for TikTok makers

Open City has won the Archiboo Best Social Media Award for its innovative TikTok channel documenting London’s most unique buildings and is now launching an open commission for new content

Judges “loved the simplicity and consistency of Open City’s account and its strong sense of community and liveliness.” The prestigious Archiboo award was announced at a ceremony in the Orms-designed Outernet at Tottenham Court Road.

The Horniman Museum, Isokon Building, Brixton Recreation Centre, BedZed, Underground Cartoon Museum and the North Greenwich Design District are among the many buildings which have been profiled on Open City’s TikTok channel.

Since launching one year ago the channel has grown to achieve more than 23,000 followers and close to half a million likes, helping the charity to reach new audiences and start new discussions around London’s architecture.

To celebrate the award, Open City is now launching an open commission inviting budding filmmakers to come forward with ideas for new TikToks and offering a £100 fee for every film created.

To join the programme, please email with an example of a film or TikTok you have made and details of the building, place or landscape you would like to document for our channel.

Below is an example of the kind of short film we’re looking for.


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