The Fast Consumer City: can a sandwich really run the city?

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How can a cheddar and pickle baguette shape our city? Why does a £3 flat white make a difference to how open a city is?

This episode looks at the work and lifestyle habits of the fast consumer city and how our cities start to look and run when they cater to the well heeled urban professional. Hosts Lara Kinneir and Zoe Cave look to the big issues of a global economy on our cities and high streets, alongside the everyday experiences of the humble cafe and its visitors. They are joined by James Meadway, economist and Associate Fellow at the Centre for Economic Justice who discusses how the economy has shaped the city and how we live and consume within it.

Alongside this, a visit to the 120 year old E’PElliccis cafe in East London gives an insight into how independent offers in the city survive and strive to serve the communities they are in despite the turbulence of economic social change.

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