The Londown Live with Cath Slessor and Thomas Aquilina

This week we bring you the first ever Live Londown - direct from the Museum of the Home as part of their Festival of the Home. Merlin is joined by Catherine Slessor; President of the Twentieth Century Society, and architect Thomas Aquilina. Tune into their conversations on legendary bane of architects Michael Gove named housing secretary, the London co-living pioneer teetering on the verge of administration, Kevin McCloud's radical housing reform views, the pedestrianisation of Strand Aldwych, and the explosive planning meeting in Camden that saw furniture fly...

The Londown is produced in association with the Architects’ Journal. If you enjoyed the show, we recommend you subscribe to the AJ for all the latest news, building studies, expert opinion, cultural analysis, and business intelligence from the UK architecture industry. Listeners can save 15% on a subscription using this link.


Open House Festival 2021 in Pictures


Film premiere: A new way to experience the Thames