Will Wiles, author, Sharmaine Love Grove, publisher Dialogue Books, Nick Searl, partner, Argent
Will Wiles: "We could define 'citymaking' simply by recalling that the city has been made by us and will continue to be made by us. Many aggregations, which seem inevitable and intractable, are in fact choices that are refreshed every day"
Sharmaine Lovegrove: "I was very inspired by my childhood in 90s London, having the spave and time to roam and no place or community being off limits. Where I learnt new languages, customs and the experiences of others with a naive freedom and open mind. Yet coming back to London after several years in Berlin, I was utterly distressed by the advanced capitalism, the levels of segregation, the political apathy and the vast levels of inequality which meant people were responsible for but couldn't see. My city had culturally changed beyond recognition and I could no longer be part of it."
Nick Searl: "Citymaking requires drawing together the strands of physical place, society and economy. Architects and urban planners deliver us a framework for streets, spaces and buildings, but it is the content, the activity, the people and the exchange of ideas, services and goods that ultimately makes the city. I have visited carefully 'designed', well-built places that are no more than that. I have also enjoyed the company of crowds in the slums and market places of Bangkok. To me, the latter is more of a 'city' than the former will ever be"