
with thanks to London Borough of Lambeth for their support of Open House 2020

No. of events



Eat off your Street

Outpost Strawbale Building

Press Mentions

3 mentions in Open House e-news

Modern House


Total Visits: 1.6k

(based on in-person and online)

Visited borough over the weekend: 61%

Will revisit as a result: 22%

What People Are Saying


“Love the online facilities, as we don't have to cram everything into one weekend, and it gives us more opportunity to peruse at a later date”

— Visitor to Lambeth

 “It is fantastic! Beautiful work really, I am looking at the building with a different eye today”

— Siobhan Davies Dance Studio


Image Credit: Film Still from the Open House Film: Siobhan Davies Dance Studio, Jim Stevenson, 2020