Launching our new series, At Home with Open House

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Many of us haven’t seen the inside of another building outside of our own home - or Tesco, for what feels like forever and though we are tiring of our own domestic spaces, our curiosity is piqued when our colleagues, friends and family have a new setting to their Zoom calls. Lockdown has given us a brief insight into the books people have on their shelves, the posters plastered onto their walls and the wallpaper that adorns their spaces.  At Home with Open House is a series created to satiate the need to see beyond what the square of your laptop will allow. 

Join us during your lunchtime over the coming months to explore London living rooms from the comfort of your own. Local London residents will be hosting live streamed tours of their dynamic domestic spaces with the opportunity for you to ask questions about some of the coolest homes in London. 

The first session will be Wednesday 24 February at 1pm with a tour of Florian Biegel and Philip Christou Hampstead apartment, Tanza Road, Hampstead, a period conversion completed in 2004 with Florian Biegel Architects.

Tickets are £3.00 or £1.00 for Open City Friends


The Londown: This week in London architecture


Three new trustees and three members of staff join Open City