Open House Festival Volunteers

2021 volunteers helped make the festival happen from planning all the way to delivery

Volunteering in 2021 has been an interesting challenge for Open City. With remote volunteering taking place in 2020, we were able to build on that experience but desperately wanted to be able to offer in-person volunteering again too.

Our core volunteers continued to commit a day a week to the charity, helping with the planning and programming of the festival all year round.

2021 saw the development of new regional committees with local volunteers sharing the message of Open House Festival with local community groups, buildings and events organisers in their areas.

The easing of Covid restrictions made it possible for us to be able to offer in-person volunteering again, at a larger scale than in 2020, allowing more volunteers the opportunity to get out and give something back to their communities.







What People Are Saying


“I’ve volunteered before and enjoyed it; this year I wanted to do it as part of a return to normality”

— Volunteer in 2021


“I enjoy seeing places I’ve never visited and finding out more about them - also meeting new people both volunteers and building staff”

— Volunteer in 2021

“I like helping people get a better understanding of their local history, much of which is represented by the architecture of the time.”

— Volunteer in 2021


“I have always admired the work you do, therefore I have volunteered with you since I retired”

— Volunteer in 2021

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